Last Updated: October 2015
Rainforest Eco Lodge is a luxary hotel situated in Ensalwatte, Deniyaya, on a state owned land leased to Estate companies, bordering the Core Zone of Sinharaja
World Heritage Rainforest and within the Buffer Zone. While the lodges have been built on tea cultivated area, the hotel management has not
taken initiative to increase Native Vegetation cover within it's property. Rainforest Eco Lodge gets fair ratings for Trash Pollution Control & Recycling effort.
Light pollution is very high, and due to the fact that it is in Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest buffer zone, the light pollution is extremely harmful
for the insects and other animals of Sinharaja. No history of supporting Bio-Diversity Conservation projects.
Non-Intrusion of Forest Buffer Zones:
Rainforest Eco Lodge is located in Ensalwatte, Deniyaya on a leased land belonging to Land Reforms Commission and managed by Mathurata Plantations.
While tea has been grown on a section of this land, it borders the core boundary and located in the buffer zone of Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest.
Google Map
Habitat Loss Prevention:
Although habitat loss has been reduced by building the hotel in previously cultivated land area, the hotel is built on the buffer zone of Sinharaja Rainforest
which were to be acquired by Forest Conservation Department to be annexed to Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest per cabinet paper in 2004.
Native Vegetation:
Native trees are not present on the property. The property lacks bio-diversity due to monoculture tea cultivation.
Trash Pollution Control & Recycling:
Light & Noise Pollution Control:
Rainforest Eco Lodge is heavy on light pollution, with bright lights disturbing the fragile nature of the buffer zone of Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest.
Bio-Diversity Conservation Projects:
To date, Rainforest Eco Lodge has not been active in supporting Bio-Diversity Conservation Projects in the surrounding area.
Eastern Sinharaja has not received the due protections and many Forested areas are cut down for tea cultivation.