Current Projects
Balangoda Reforestation & Ecosystem Restoration Project (Ongoing in 2024)
Rajawaka area is located in the border of wet zone and intermediate zone with a range of different landscapes, rich biodiversity from Elephants, leopards to plenty of natural bee colonies, different and uniquely diverse ecosystems. Plenty of mountains and forest department managed lands including other state forests are either scrub forests or grasslands full of “Maana”, “Pangiri” or “Illuk”, which are highly invasive and fire friendly. For decades, these grass/shrubland including mountains with important catchment blocks have been continuously burnt down by intentional man made fires. The project aims to initially reforest 15 acres of degraded land currently under the Department of Forest Conservation (with signed MOU), which is being Sponsored by Hemas Consumer Brands.To particiapte, please contact - Jayantha @ 0777771348 or email
(Media Release - DailyFT) | (Media Release - Daily Mirror) | (Media Release - The Island)
Rakwana Reforestation & Ecosystem Restoration Project (Ongoing in 2024)
Remove invasive species and Plant native saplings at 20 acre former forest land burnt down in Rakwana adjoining Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest Sponsored by MAS Intimates (Pvt) Ltd.Volunteers needed. Bring and donate tools such as Mamoty (Udella), Keththa, Wakpihiya etc. Please contact us - Jayantha @ 0777771348 or email
Setup a Rainforest Conservation & Education Centre
Establishing a Rainforest Conservation and Education Centre will help our organization coordinate conservation projects and campaigns efficiently, educate tourists visiting Sinharaja about the threats the rainforest faces and about our conservation efforts, educate school children and villagers nearby, set up a native-plant nursery for critically endangered flora and offer a base for carrying out research, among many more possibilities. Please click here for more details and how you can contribute >>Completed Projects
Illukpathakanda Kalawana Reforestation and Landslide Mitigation Project - Sponsored by Multi Finance (pvt) ltd(Media Release - Sinhala) | (Media Release - English) | (July 6, 2018 - Photos)
Rakwana Reforestation & Ecosystem Restoration Project - Sponsored by MAS Intimates (pvt) ltd
(September 28 & 29, 2019 - Photos) | (June 22 & 23, 2019 - Photos) | (November 24, 2018 - Photos) | (July 21, 2018 - Photos) | (June 9, 2018 - Photos) | (May 12, 2018 - Photos) | (April 7, 2018 - Photos)
3 Day Sinharaja Expedition & Education Workshop for Village School Children (March 2 to 4, 2018)
(Media Release - Sinhala) | (Media Release - English) | (Photos)
Native Tree Planting Project @ Kathlana, Ratnapura Sponsored by Hemas Holdings (January 13, 2018)
Rakwana Reforestation & Ecosystem Restoration Project - Sponsored by MAS Intimates (pvt) ltd
(March 24, 2018 - Photos) | (March 10, 2018 - Photos) | (November 11, 2017 - Photos)
Rakwana Reforestation & Ecosystem Restoration Project (September 9-10, 2017)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Educating Public and School Children @ Sri Lanka Blue Green Era Exhibition (October 17-19, 2016)
Project to Cleanup Dunumala Waterfall @ Attanagalla (August 28, 2016)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Native Tree Planting Project @ Akmeemana (November 14, 2015)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Native Tree Planting Project @ Hedigalla (June 13, 2015)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Trash Cleanup Project in Bopath Ella to Observe Earth Day 2015 (April 25, 2015)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Native Tree Planting & Awareness Project @ Kalugala Rainforest & School (February 3, 2015)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Native Tree Planting Project @ Atabage, Gampola (January 24, 2015)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Trash Cleanup Project in Yagirala Rainforest to Observe Earth Day 2014 (April 26, 2014)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Trash Cleanup Project @ Hora Kele in Ingiriya (December 7, 2013)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
Native Tree Planting Project @ Uyanwatte Estate in Raigama (November 29, 2013)
(Media Release) | (Photos)
3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Project in Samagipura, Ratnapura
(Media Release) | (Photos)